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Blog: Blog2
Anna Poulton

Christmas shopping!

As 'Indie week' comes to an end, and hopefully, local shops and galleries are once again open for business in the run up to Christmas, I want to thank everyone who is trying to make sure that their Christmas presents this year are meaningful and help support local artists and makers. I also want to thank all the artists who have been working hard to make it as easy as possible for people to buy directly from them.

I'm a passionate believer that creativity of all kinds is an essential part of what makes us human and adds so much to everyone’s wellbeing. In this difficult world, we need to do all we can to support artists and makers and all the creative business people who need our support now, more than ever. I know many people are responding to the current situation by trying to purchase meaningful presents for loved ones directly from the person who makes them.

Be in no doubt that ANY purchase you make – just a card, mug, cushion, print , tree decorations etc will be a real boost to the artist who created it. But of course selling (and buying) an original painting is special for both the artist and the customer.

I hope everyone will be able to find the artists and the paintings, prints, mugs and cards that ‘speak to them’ or to the person who they are buying for. If you can’t find what you are looking for, do give me a ring 07747032912– I may well be able to put you in touch with the artist you are looking for

Let’s come together to support and celebrate our local artists

If you would like to hear from me occasionally about Living from Art members exhibitions, and how you can support artists, do ask to be added to my Art Supporters mailing list.

If you are an artist looking for advice, support and encouragement with the business of selling your work I would be delighted to talk to you about how Living from Art can help you move forward.

Anna Poulton Living from Art 07747 032912


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