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Blog: Blog2
Anna Poulton

To Zoom or not to Zoom?

To Zoom or not to Zoom? When is the right time to move back to 'Face to Face' meetings and training sessions?

I guess this is a question for many people at the present time. I am specifically asking this question of the artists who have attended my monthly Living from Art meetings in the past, but I'm also interested to gauge how other people in different circumstances feel about this decision.

Our monthly meetings are informal as well as informative; they offer practical help with the business of earning money from making art; and also are a positive opportunitiy for artists to get to know each other and feel part of a community.

We've had some excellent speakers since Lockdown and people have been able to use the information from the sessions - both shared by the speakers, and by other artists in the group.

For some people, the ease of not travelling, the time and money saved and lack of worry in attending a zoom meeting has been a real benefit they would like to keep. And we've been able to reach out to artists who aren't within easy reach of Cheltenham.

Other people are unable or unwilling to use Zoom. or are completely 'Zoomed out' and are yearning to sit down with other people and be able to talk face to face, even if it does mean there would be all the necessary social distancing and other safety measures in place for the foreseeable future.

If you are an artist and would be willing to share your views, I’d be delighted to hear from you by answering a few questions on my Google survey

If you don't like forms do email me - - or give me a ring on 07747032912

Our monthly meetings cover different topics - from inspirational artists sharing their career journey to very practical topics such as framing, art materials or merchandise as well as having expert input from those in business planning, finance, marketing or socal media- to name just a few of our topics over the past year or two. What would you like to see next and who would you recommend as a speaker? The Google survey also asks for your suggestions.

With such a varied group of artists involved I know that I can't please everyone, all the time, but I do want to know from individuals what you most need to take you forward with Living from Art.

With people bginning to look towards the future, even if that is still very much unknown territory, do get in touch if you haven't had a 1:1 discussion with me yet. Whether or not you decide to become a member of Living from Art, now is a very good time to put aside some time to talk through your plans and goals for your future as an artists who aims to sell their work. I always learn such a lot listening to artists telling me about their journey and I know it's been a positive and valuable opportunity the artists who have booked a call with me.

Please help me to make the advice, support and encouragement I can offer through Living from Art as useful as possible. Click here to post your answers

All the very best



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