Living from Art
Helping artists earn the money they need to make the art they love
I welcome artists of all ages and career stages - successful full-time artists, part timers and people just starting to sell their work.
40 diverse artists have become members. to fully access all the advice, support, and encouragement on offer.
Our monthly meetings are open to members and non - members alike. They cover a wide range of practical topics, with guest speakers and members sharing their knowledge. They now move between Zoom sessions and a Cheltenham venue
Our free online Facebook community now has over 280 members

Advice | Support | Encouragement
Becoming a member makes you part a strong community of artists supporting each other to succeed
It also means you have your own personal supporter (me!) whenever you want advice, accountability or just some encouragement to keep going.
1:1 sessions with me help you clarify where you are with selling your work and what you need to do to move forward. If you are not a member a session costs £30
As a member, your first 1:1 session is included in the membership fee and extra sessions can be booked at a reduced rate of just £24
Other membership benefits include:
· A private members’ Whats App group
· Resources from all the Monthly Meetings
· Join in with occasional Living from Art members' exhibitions
· Guest Blogs and mentions in the LfA 'Art Supporters' newsletter
Become a member for £50. Membership + Meetings (£100) includes free access to all the monthly meetings – a significant saving if you want to attend most months
‘Time well spent. Very useful sharing ideas, advice, motivation, tips and everything to support your art endeavours. Highly recommended’